Sunday, September 4, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Well, hey there, hi there, ho there everybody! I hope your weekend has been wonderful and I’m sure it’s getting better, considering most people have Monday off—Yes! Anyhoot, I just wanted to thank everyone who stops in regularly and comments on my Six Sentence Sunday posts. It means the world to me. Although I don’t get to respond to everyone individually, know you’re in my gratitude.

This week I’m continuing with excerpts from Dearly Beloved my one and only IR Contemporary Romance. This clip picks up with Renée’s not so grudging scrutiny of her brother’s best friend Christopher after they arrive at her home.

As always, Chris stood sure of himself: tall and straight with his broad shoulders back, absurdly large, muscular arms crossed over a wide lickable chest. No. Not lickable, disgusting, his absurdly large, muscular arms crossed over a wide lick—disgusting chest. Shit!

Standing must be making her light headed. It had to be because Hell would freeze over, thaw out, and then freeze over again before she licked his chest. Half the Arizona female population had licked that chest and she’d be damned if she got added to his roster.
If you liked my six sentences check out to get links to other amazing authors six.


  1. Go on lick it! If you don't l will! loved it!

  2. Love her internal conflict here. A fabulous six! :)

  3. Lol! I agree, totally lic - I mean, um, disgusting.

  4. Sweet! Love her inner conflict!! ;)

  5. I don't know why, but the count of lickers cracked me up. I like my ambivalence with a dash of humor, I guess. :)

  6. LOL! This is fantastic. I love when a story makes me smile! Quite lickable, indeed. ;c)

  7. Methinks she's obsessing about his chest! LOL. Fun six.

  8. Love a man with a lickable chest. Her inner conflict is cute!

  9. Still trying to convince herself that he's disgusting, huh? lol

  10. disgusting? Doesn't sound like it ☺
    great six

  11. Oh go on and lick it. You know you want to! LOL

  12. I love it when a heroine fights with herself!

  13. LOVE her voice. So readable. Made me actually lol.

  14. Lol - the temptation...Disgusting indeed! :)

  15. I love the voice in this Six. It was fun and snappy!

  16. Hehe. Licking him sounds terrible... not ;)
