Dearly Beloved is the story of a jaded, young, Black woman suffering from PTSD who goes on a literal and internal trip of self-discovery with friends twenty-two years after being adopted by a Caucasian family. On this trip she learns: sometimes water is thicker than blood and that love can come in the most unlikely of places. This excerpt is from the first interaction between the heroine and the hero...her older brothers best friend.
“Andrew,” Renée said in a deceptively sugar sweet voice, glaring daggers a few inches up and over her brother’s shoulder, “aren’t you breaking some leash law for your dog?”
“I’ve missed you too, Renée,” Chris greeted in his sinfully deep baritone, which sent tingles shooting down her spine and a rush of liquid fire pooling between her legs.
Damn, him!
In black cargo shorts, falling just past his knees, flip-flops, black muscle shirt and dark black tinted Oakley’s hiding his Windex blue eyes, he looked…disgusting! No, she would not think of anything but how gross he looked with his surfer boy blond hair, perfectly tanned muscular calves, arms, and rock hard upper body. If looks could kill…he’d be a nuclear weapon.And there you have it. Thank you in advance for your comments I love reading them and I try to respond when I can. To check out other awesome authors participating in Six Sentence Sunday visit